Are You Sour?

As wellness coach, I look at health from the holistic perspective. Our Western medicine divides the human body into many sub-systems as evidenced by the existence of medical specialties. We go to a general practitioner to complain about an issue, if it’s difficult to define, we’re told “it’s nothing to worry about”; if it is symptom- or area- specific and we get referred to a specialist. The specialist in turn treats exclusively the problem that “falls” in his or her area of expertise.

Older cultures have a different take on health. They see and treat the human body as an integrated whole (think of acupuncture or acupressure, for instance). I’d take this view one step further, but before we go there, let’s take a slight detour.

If you’ve ever had a pet fish you know that there are various types of fish that have different needs when it comes to their environment. Fresh water and salt water fish require distinctly different type of water in the aquarium.

Now, to stay with the example: a freshwater fish usually doesn’t survive in salty water and vice versa: ocean fish won’t make it in fresh water. Logical, right?

Similar principle is true of the human body which consists mostly of water. This “watery” inner environment – depending on its acidity level – can foster either health, strong immune system and slower than normal aging OR disease and accelerated degeneration. The pH balance of the “watery” environment within doesn’t affect this or that body organ, body part or body system but the overall wellness of the whole body. (Think of the fish: it’s true for them, it’s true when it comes to humans. A different environment supports different type of organisms.)

Here is the science behind it: the pH (Potential Hydrogen) scale ranges from 0 (the highest level of acidity) to 14 (the most alkaline). The health promoting pH is above 7, with 7.4 being optimal. (Every tenth of a point = ten fold more, or ten fold less, respectively!)

The pH level of an average American is significantly lower, with many testing as low 6.8 pH. Once a body has a pH level lower than 7, it can no longer heal itself or defend itself from inflammation, infection and disease.

The way you eat and drink determines the acidity level of your body. In other words, creating a disease-resistant, lean, well-functioning, slightly more alkaline body is mostly up to you.

You are what you eat

(Incidentally, some foods and drinks we think of as sour based on their taste are in fact alkalizing within the body. There are no mistakes in the lists, below.)

vegetable oils

sea salt
ginger root
baking soda

You are what you drink

most bottled drinking water
soft drinks
wine and beer

green tea
milk kefir

Back to my original question: how sour are YOU? If you have a list of health complaints, chances are your body is acidic and its ability to repair itself has been compromised. Consider limiting (or better yet, eliminating!) the acidic foods and drinks you’re used to and replacing them with alkaline-raising foods and drinks. Yes, it’s a transition. Yes, it’s a process. But how happy are you now?… (Need more motivation? Cancer patients have low pH levels.)

Keeping your body’s pH close to the coveted 7.4 is a secret to a healthy life. It’s holistic because it approaches the body as a whole, not piecemeal. By altering the pH balance of your body and making it more alkaline, you have the power to ward off disease! Why is it a “secret”? Because your doctor didn’t tell you that lowering the acidity level of your inner environment promotes good health!


Photo credit: Talia Cohen on Unsplash

Coach Enrich

Coach Enrich

Green Self Care is run by an author/wellness coach. Her passion for DIY natural healthcare, DIY remedies, and natural self-care was inspired by personal experience. When modern healthcare failed her, she helped herself (with nutraceuticals, natural remedies that don’t require doctor’s prescription) and SUCCEEDED. She created Green Self Care to inspire YOU to take charge of your health with DIY remedies. (They could save your life, just like they saved hers.)

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