Stunningly Effective Natural Cures

Learn how to cure common diseases and conditions with safe and effective natural remedies.

I’m not a doctor. I’m an ex-patient. I came back from the brink of death by healing myself. I can help you too because I “discovered” – and then studied extensively! – nutraceuticals. They helped me and they will help you, too!

Wouldn’t you want to be free of your health problem without tedious doctor appointments, hours wasted in the waiting room, unpleasant medical tests, endless co-pays, risky surgery, or adverse side effects of pharmaceutical drugs?

“Stunningly Effective Natural Cures” provides:

Stunningly Effective Natura lCures


Natural Cure For UTI


Natural Cure For Gallstones


Natural Cure For Dry Eyes


Natural Cure For Candida Albicans


Natural Cure For A Torn Ligament


Natural Cure For Breast Tumors


Natural Cure For Kidney Stones


Natural Relief From Muscle Pain & Muscle Cramps


Natural Alternative To Angioplasty


Natural Alternative To NSAIDs


Actually, if you think about it, pharmaceuticals – not all, but many! – are SUBSTITUTES for natural remedies which have a much longer history and better safety record. Main differences? Pharmaceutical drugs are synthetic, have adverse side-effects and yes, generate huge revenue for the pharma industry!

Are You Frustrated, Too?

I used to be an obedient patient until modern medicine declared me “well enough”. It was then and there I realized that my obedience wasn’t serving me well. And right then and there, I knew that from that point on I was on my own. I stopped looking for help in medicine and started looking for solutions myself. I kept researching and self-experimenting until I came up with an effective, natural cure for my problem. Are you obedient and frustrated?

It’s NOT Your Fault!

You’ve Been Brainwashed!

It’s Your Health

Vs Their Profit

After my burst appendix ordeal, I was left with two choices: listen to my doctor and die or fight like hell to stay alive. The odds were stacked against me. I was bald, malnourished, weak, unable to move, and with a fresh scar from the bottom of my trunk to the ribs. I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t go anywhere. I didn’t want to see anyone. I was hungry like a lion but anything I ate was coming right back up. Now, go and help yourself!

Eventually, it occurred to me that I could do a little research on my PC without leaving the house.
I came up empty, over and over, again. It took a while before I realized that my mindset was the problem. Having been raised in a family of physicians, I looked at alternative healing methods with skepticism and contempt. (There is a considerable distance between white coat, medical credentials, sterile surroundings, and DIY concoctions.)

I’ve been through a period of self-doubt, confusion, and wrestling with my prejudice. But drastic times call for drastic measures. I was running out of time. The “to be or not be” question was looming large.

I took the first step into the unknown only because I was running out of time. I tried one natural remedy and lo and behold, it produced a promising result. As I was getting better, I felt encouraged to expand my study of natural cures.

Little by little, it dawned on me that the modern medicine I always admired caused my burst appendix (I was sent back home with a prescription for antibiotics while suffering from a raging case of appendicitis. Wrong diagnosis and delay in treatment caused my appendix to burst.), the many complications it entailed and my disability afterward. My contribution to the disaster was my trust in my doctors. Had I trusted them a little longer, I would have died….

So here it goes, friends: if you are miserable despite following your doctor’s recommendations, it’s not your fault. You’ve been sold a big, fat lie: modern medicine
is all-knowing and your only treatment option.

It simply isn’t so!

It’s not your fault that you’re not getting better. Modern medicine keeps you from recovering.
Blasphemy? No! You enter the doctor’s office with faith in your doctor’s authority and expectation that you’ll be helped. Your faith and expectations have been deliberately cultivated to give your healthcare provider control over you. This way, when you’re being sold incomplete or biased information, you’re more likely to accept it.

Let’s say the patient suffers from gallstones. An honest doctor would explain to the patient that there are two treatment options: 14 days of taking a natural remedy that gets rid of gallstones painlessly and safely AND a laparoscopic gallbladder removal (cholecystectomy), a surgery that will impact – to a varying degree – the rest of the patient’s life.

Funny thing: no patient is being told about the gentler option. Most are sold the surgery that no one – GIVEN A CHOICE! – would choose. Do I have to say why or you can guess? The doctor wouldn’t make money if he or she recommended what’s actually good for the patient…. Unfortunately, that’s true in many cases.

That’s the reality: it’s we (meaning our health and lives) vs them (healthcare industry pursuing profit at any cost, harm to patients notwithstanding).

Once I realized that I was “programmed” to trust modern medicine, my research took off and my recovery progressed rapidly.

The more I learned, the more I became convinced that nutraceuticals and other natural remedies are legitimate treatment options.

Neither modern medicine nor traditional healing methods have answers to ALL health problems. But the natural cures for the conditions featured in “Stunningly Effective Natural Cures” are effective, painless, and safe. I’m positive they’ll help you more than the treatment you received from your doctor.

Here Is What People Who Tried Coach Enrich’s Natural Cures Are Saying

No cholecystectomy for me! I followed the Natural Cure For Gallstones and I’m keeping my gallbladder, after all. I feel blessed.

Carol V.

I benefited from the natural cures. But my mom and my girlfriend swear by them!

Excellent INFO.

John S.

Enough of the “dry eyes” BS.

The Natural Dry Eye Cure did it for me.

Thank you.

Paul H.

In most cases, a natural cure will preserve the integrity of your body while restoring it to full functionality and liberating you from pain. (In the very worst case, a given cure may not be as effective FOR YOU as for others.)


Knowing what and how to use can be priceless. The small investment you’ll make in “Stunningly Effective Natural Cures” will produce dividends for you and yours for years to come. “Stunningly Effective Natural Cures” will help you limit your dependence on modern medicine, synthetic drugs and perhaps even help you avoid unnecessary surgery.

It took my traumatic experience with a burst appendix, my facing death, the resulting transformation of my values, and unpaid years of research to write “Stunningly Effective Natural Cures”.

You don’t have to endure the same level of suffering I had to. You don’t have to sacrifice years of your life on research. You don’t have to deny yourself. “Stunningly Effective Natural Cures” is here so YOU can enjoy good health now and for years to come.

Stunningly Effective Natural Cures



Okay, now you’re wondering… “What is this going to cost me?”

The better question is… How much is NOT buying “Stunningly Effective Natural Cures” costing you?


If your health is NOT what you’d like it to be, what are you waiting for?


Think how much time you’re wasting in your doctor’s waiting room, waiting in line in the pharmacy, and repeating the same treatment that failed to help you over and over, again?


Think how much your health problem is really costing you and I don’t mean your medical costs alone. When you feel worse, you avoid people and social occasions. You are no fun to be with…


Think about how your health is limiting your career opportunities; damaging your life and relationships. You know that’s true.


If you don’t dare to try a new approach to healing, you may not get better. And what if you get worse?


Don’t waste any more time and money hoping. Invest in “Stunningly Effective Natural Cures” and take control of your health yourself!

While reading about – and USING! – “Stunningly Effective NATURAL Cures”, you’ll notice the advantage many nutraceuticals – and other natural solutions – have over modern medicine!

Stunningly Effective Natural Cures

Natural Cures– are CONSERVATIVE (non-invasive) while the medical approach to many of the above-listed problems is INVASIVE (surgical!)

– are safe while pharmaceutical drugs have many adverse side effects

– are painless

– cost less than medical procedures and / or pharmaceutical drugs

– effectively eliminate health problems without “eliminating” body organs (possibly sparing you unnecessary surgery!)

– they put YOU, and not someone who may – or may not – have your best interest in mind, in charge of your health

Here Is What You’ll Get:

“Stunningly Effective

Natural Cures”

$149 Value

  • Natural Cure For UTI

  • Natural Cure For Gallstones

  • Natural Cure For Dry Eyes

  • Natural Cure For Candida Albicans

  • Natural Cure For A Torn Ligament

  • Natural Cure For Breast Tumors

  • Natural Cure For Kidney Stones

  • Natural Muscle Cramps Relief

  • Natural Alternative To Angioplasty

  • Natural Alternative To NSAIDs


“How To Remove Pesticide

From Produce“

$49 Value

Will save you a LOT! Regular produce has a layer of pesticide residue that can’t be removed by washing alone. Organic produce is costly. Buy regular produce, cleanse it properly and save your health and money! (Instant Download)


“Back Pain Relief Secrets”

$199 Value

Back pain can affect anyone at any time and suck the joy of life. “Back Pain Relief Secrets” introduces non-invasive, drug-free, cost-free, and EFFECTIVE therapies that relieve various types of backache. (Instant Download)

BONUS #3: “Comforting

Guided Meditations“

$30 Value

Not feeling well is not limited to your physical symptoms. It affects your thinking, attitude, and emotions. “Comforting Guided Meditations” will help you feel better. (Instant Download)


“Stunningly Effective Natural Cures” ($149 Value)

Bonus #1: “How To Remove Pesticides From Produce”

($49 Value)

Bonus #2: “Back Pain Relief Secrets” ($199 Value)

Bonus #3: “Comforting Guided Meditations” ($30 Value)

Total Value: $427

If “Stunningly Effective Natural Cures” would solve your health problem once and for all, spared you pain, prevented unnecessary surgery, hospitalization, doctor’s visits, medical tests, adverse side effects of pharmaceutical drugs, and more, would it be worth $427 to you?

I’m not going to charge you this much.

Because you’re here right now, I’ll charge you only $60!

However, to get so much value for so little you must act TODAY!

Simply click on the Buy Now button which will take you to a secure form and secure checkout. Right after payment completion, you’ll get to download “Stunningly Effective Natural Cures” and the three Bonuses. Download everything and start improving your health, ASAP.

Do you HAVE TO make a purchase today? No. You can buy “Stunningly Effective Natural Cures” later. But I can’t guarantee that the price will remain the same and the bonuses included today are not usually included with purchase.

Whether you decide to invest in “Stunningly Effective Natural Cures” or not, won’t change my life. I overcame my health challenge and came out victorious. My informational products on natural remedies are hot sellers. Business is booming as more and more disillusioned patients turn to traditional healing.

But without “Stunningly Effective Natural Cures”, YOU will continue to suffer and be taken advantage of by unscrupulous members of the healthcare industry. Let’s face it: I was screwed by modern medicine. I overcame. You are likely being screwed by modern medicine as we speak. It’s time to take a side. What’s more important to YOU: your health or your doctor’s bottom line?…..

“No disease or condition that can be CURED with nutraceuticals should be TREATED with pharmaceutical drugs. No patient should be subjected to unnecessary surgery.” / Coach Enrich /

You Deserve GOOD Health!


Stunningly Effective Natural Cures



Imagine feeling well, again.

Would you be relieved?

Not just relieved: FREE!

FREE to be you, again.

FREE to live, again.